By Patric Shannon • Tips Tricks
We will remain open with our normal business hours until further notice. Given the pandemic state of things, we would like to take precautions to ensure the safety of our patients, their families, and our staff [...]
By Jep • Tips Tricks
How To Make Sure You Don’t Have Bad Breath It is important to note that anyone who is chronically complaining about bad breath should be checked out by a medical doctor or nurse practitioner because there could be an underlying cause [...]
By Jep • Tips Tricks
How To Encourage Your Child To Brush Their Teeth Does the sight of a toothbrush send your little one running in the opposite direction? Teaching a youngster good dental hygiene can be a demanding and sometimes frustrating process when you first start [...]
By Jep • Tips Tricks
12 Surprising Reasons You Should See Your Dentist More. It’s no surprise that millions of Americans neglect to go to the dentist regularly. However, what is surprising is what is happening to your teeth if you don’t. Take a look at the top 12 reasons why you should be going to see [...]
By Jep • Tips Tricks
How Long Do Dental Filling Last Getting a filling is an experience that is constantly changing with the advancement in technology and materials. Patients 20-years ago have extremely different experiences compared to patients 10-years ago [...]
By Jep • Tips Tricks
How Can You Make Your Teeth Whiter? “Brush your teeth three-times a day and floss daily,” is the standard process dentists want you to abide by to ensure your teeth stay bright and healthy; however, sometimes outside factors change the course of your daily brightening [...]
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